Code of Conduct — Circus Kumarani

Code of Conduct

A hard copy version of the Code of Conduct is available in the policies and procedures folder at 15 Onslow Street.


All employees, contractors, and volunteers, including Board Members (contributors), of Kumarani Productions Trust (KPT) are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct (the Code) while they are at work or representing KPT.

The Code sets out the standards of behaviour expected from contributors when engaging with their duties. Its purpose is to:

  • Develop a culture of mutual trust, respect and tolerance between contributors, participants, and the public;

  • Enhance the credibility and accountability of the KPT to its participants and communities; and

  • Provide a framework for effective and impartial decision-making regarding contributor performance and conduct.

The Code is designed to deal with behaviour of contributors towards each other, participants, the media, and the public. It also addresses the appropriate manner to engage with information disclosed to contributors in their capacity as KPT employees, contractors, and volunteers.

The Code may change at our discretion and on reasonable notice to you. 


If your performance or conduct does not meet position requirements or is misaligned with the Code or other policies and procedures, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination, with or without notice. Whether any such activity constitutes misconduct will depend on the circumstances of the case and may vary according to the position you hold. Breaches of the Code will be treated seriously. 

Engaging in any unlawful actions such as theft, fraud, embezzlement, assisting anyone involved in committing any crime, engaging in any conduct which rises to the level of a crime, or gambling on work premises, will result in immediate dismissal and reporting to the police.

When working for KPT it is expected that you will meet the following expectations relating to personal conduct and work performance:

  • Arrive to work with a presentable appearance and clear state of mind; 

  • Carry out your allocated duties and those directly or reasonably expected of you as a contributor diligently and to the best of your ability;

  • Comply with all proper or lawful instructions given by management or a representative of KPT; 

  • Take all reasonable actions to ensure a safe environment for themselves, other contributors, participants, and the public; and

  • Carry out your duties in compliance with the policies, procedures, and prescribed operating standards of KPT that are relevant to your duties. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Code of Conduct

    • Child Protection Policy; 

    • Confidentiality Agreement; 

    • Privacy Policy; and

    • Health and Safety Policy and Procedures of each work site, and activity specific requirements.


As a contributor with KPT you can expect that KPT will meet the obligation to behave in a fair and reasonable manner towards all contributors by acting in compliance with its legal commitments. Additionally, we hope to go beyond our legal obligations and further foster a supportive, engaging work environment for all contributors.

To do this KPT will develop, implement, and follow human resource policies and procedures to ensure the expectations listed below are met.

  • Impartial and open selection and appointment procedures

  • Clear statement of duties and expectations

  • Regular and appropriate communication and feedback about work performance

  • Fair rates of remuneration for competence, responsibility, and performance

  • A safe and healthy workplace and work processes

  • Equal employment opportunities

  • Appropriate training and equipment

  • Opportunities for development

  • Good working conditions including freedom from harassment or discrimination


Management - Kumarani Productions Trust General Manager, supervisor, or Board members

Contributors - Any employee, contractor, or volunteer, including Board members.

Participants - Any person accessing or receiving KPT services including workshops, public circus spaces, or events.

The Public / Community Member - Any person who is not a contributor or participant.


The Code outlines the specific expectations and responsibilities of all KPT contributors and is developed to be aligned with industry standards, as well as our own set of guiding principles. Our guiding principles direct our actions, decision making, and behaviour as an organisation, and for all the individuals who collectively form KPT. 

Below is the list of the principles, including a further explanation of the expectations and specific requirements and responsibilities of all KPT contributors. 


KPT places high value on being an inclusive and accessible space for everyone. We welcome and embrace the intersectionality of race/ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, ability, age, national origin, and religious/spiritual identities. 

We expect that all contributors to KPT workshops and events will conduct themselves in a manner which supports this by adhering to the following:

1.1 Provide opportunities for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to participate in training, development, and creative opportunities

  • Behave in a welcoming and inclusive manner towards everyone, objective of your own personal and / or religious beliefs.

  • Intentionally create environments where people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds can access the space and engage with the community.

  • Research, consider, and implement ways to work that may help in providing more culturally appropriate services.

  • Work in a culturally appropriate manner while recognising the diversity between and within different cultures, including diversity of ethnicity, gender, class, economic status, sexual orientation, ability, age, national origin, and religious/spiritual identities.

  • Consider and work with any service(s) that may help in providing culturally appropriate service (e.g., competent interpreter).

  • Facilitate fair access to services, resources, and other professionals where it is in that person’s interest.

1.2 Embrace the intersectionality of ethnicity, gender, class, economic status, sexual orientation, ability, age, national origin, and religious/spiritual identities

  • Find ways to value similarities, communicate across differences, and respect constructive conflict. 

  • Work proactively and intentionally to cultivate an environment where dialogues across differences are embraced and where a wide diversity of human expression is valued.

1.3 Stand in solidarity against any ideals and behaviours that aim to exclude, discriminate, or silence members of our community.

  • Respectfully challenge any discriminatory behaviours by other contributors or participants

  • Advocate for the human, legal, and civil rights of all contributors, participants, and the public.

1.4 Hold ourselves accountable to address all forms of oppression that dehumanize or objectify any member of the community.

  • Advise participants and the public how to make a complaint if they are unhappy with the service provided.

  • Take complaints seriously and respond to them in an appropriate, professional, and constructive way. 

  • Report any dangerous, abusive, exploitative, or discriminatory behaviours or actions to management 

1.5 Provide equal opportunities for employment and contribution

  • Impartial and open selection and appointment procedures 

  • Hire and promote based solely on merit


Key to ensuring that KPT events and workshops are inclusive environments is respect. All KPT contributors are expected to act respectfully towards each other, participants, and the community.

2.1  Treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of ethnicity, gender, class, economic status, sexual orientation, ability, age, national origin, and religious/spiritual identities

  • Respect the human, legal, and civil rights of all contributors, participants, and the public.

  • Respect right to self-determination of all contributors, participants and the public while also making sure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or others

  • Respect the diversity between and within different cultures, including diversity of ethnicity, gender, class, economic status, sexual orientation, ability, age, national origin, and religious/spiritual identities

  • Recognise, understand, and honour a participant’s right to make informed choices and give informed consent to any service they receive.

  • If a participant cannot give informed consent because they are unable to fully understand and/or communicate their decision, take reasonable steps to find out their views and seek consent from a person legally empowered to do this on the participant’s behalf (where such person exists).

2.2  Treat people fairly, by not showing favouritism, bias, or self interest in our work.

  • Consistently follow workplace procedures for documenting decisions for action, and the reasons for taking those decisions

  • Use recognised frameworks to assist in objective and ethical decision making (for example, Child Protection Policy)

  • Maintain professional objectivity in all situations by ensuring our actions and interactions are not affected by our personal interests or relationships

2.3  Treat people in a polite and helpful manner.

  • Maintain a friendly and helpful attitude towards other contributors, participants, and the public.

  • Act in a manner that is respectful of others feelings.

  • Communicate using supportive language towards each other, participants, and the public.

  • Do not undermine or damage the reputation and character of colleagues by making malicious or unfounded criticisms of them.

  • Do not discuss colleagues in public places or on social media

2.4  Respect Kumarani Productions Trust and its contribution to the community

  • Show reasonable care for KPT property, resources, and funds and neither use nor approve them to be used for anything other than authorised purposes. 

  • Show reasonable care for other contributor’s, participants’, and public property.

  • Do not undertake other work, paid or unpaid, during paid company time.  

  • Avoid any activity (work-related or private) or making any statement which could adversely affect KPT’s business, reputation, or jeopardise its relationships with contributors, participants, or the public.

2.5  Respect the privacy of all participants and contributors

  • Treat information with care and use it only for proper purposes.

  • Respect the privacy of information acquired as a result of your involvement with KPT, including information related to KPT operations, contributors, and participants. 

  • Abide by the Privacy Act of 2020 and KPT Privacy Policy for the storing and disposal of all records, both electronic and hard copy


We act and engage in a manner that ensures KPT community spaces are safe environments, where participants can thrive.

3.1  Maintain safe equipment and activity procedures, and behaviour in accordance with the Health and Safety At Work Act 2015

  • Follow best practice and the health and safety policies and procedures of KPT and worksites.

  • Report all potential workplace hazards to management or supervisor as soon as possible

  • Report all work related accidents to management or supervisor as soon as possible

  • Complete factual hazard identification forms and/or accident / incident reports in a timely manner

  • Take all reasonable actions to ensure a safe environment for all contributors, participants, and the public.

  • Only use fire or safety equipment for their intended purpose

3.2  Provide an emotionally, physically, and mentally safe and supportive environment for all contributors, participants, and the public.

  • Respectfully and constructively challenge prejudice, discriminatory, or inappropriate behaviour. 

  • Behave appropriately with the age / gender group 

  • Maintain a professional relationship with people and respect the boundaries between contributors and participants. If you have any doubt about the appropriateness of any action, discuss the matter with management.

  • Do not possess, sell, or distribute alcohol or illicit substances while on work premises, or abuse such items while representing KPT or conducting KPT business.

  • Any harassment (verbal, physical, or visual), including sexual harassment such as offensive gestures, unwelcome advances, jokes, touching, or comments of a sexual nature made to or about other contributors, participants, or members of the public is not tolerated and will result in disciplinary actions. 

  • Report any harassment, bullying, abuse, or violence to management immediately.


We recognise that KPT is a part of a wider community than those who contribute to or participate in KPT events and workshops. By using circus, we facilitate spaces that allow anyone the opportunity to learn new skills, socialise, and express creatively in a non-threatening environment. 

4.1  Collaboratively create and maintain a stable, inclusive community for all contributors, participants, and the local communities in which we physically reside and operate

  • Intentionally plan our services to be as inclusive as possible (i.e., location, language, costing) 

  • Seek to identify and implement new ways that our services can be more inclusive. 

  • Communicate in an appropriate, open, accurate, and straightforward way.

4.2  We work together to develop and maintain a work environment and culture that promotes transparency, respect, open channels for communication, and genuine understanding

  • Work cooperatively with, and be honest, open, and constructive with other contributors, and authorities.

  • Communicate with other contributors with courtesy, openness, and honesty.

  • Resolve any conflict with colleagues respectfully and constructively

  • Act consistently in an open and transparent manner


We seek to empower and inspire our own and other communities nationwide and internationally, by spreading and promoting the concept of Community Circus. 

5.1  Encourage and provide opportunities for participants and contributors to develop self-confidence, skills and creativity

  • Communicate in a supportive and affirming way to all participants, contributors, and the public.

  • Support personal development and for all participants and contributors to expand beyond current limitations and experiences

  • Share knowledge, resources, experience, skills, and ideas to support each other and ourselves through further education and training

5.2  Take personal responsibility for our own work performance, professional development, actions, and decisions

Self Responsibility

  • Ensure your own fitness for work by taking responsibility for your own emotional, mental, and physical health, and practise appropriate self care – seek help if your performance, or judgement is affected by health concerns

  • Advise the manager or your supervisor of any medical condition (including stress related symptoms) which may impact on your ability to perform your duties safely or effectively

  • Maintain a standard of performance, dress, behaviour, and language that is professional and appropriate for the environment which you are working in and is respectful of other contributors, participants, and for representing KPT in the community.

  • Arrive on time, in a sober state and ready to work.

  • Be accountable for the quality of your work

  • Be accountable for, and take care of all money, property, and resources for which you are responsible.

  • Submit correct and accurate records re timesheets, allocated leave, and work-related costs as appropriate.

  • Notify management at least 30 minutes prior to your rostered starting time if you are unable to work because of illness or an emergency. 

    • In the case of sustained or regular absence from work, management may request a medical note as evidence of illness.

    • Failure to report for work at the time required without notifying management of the reason or without a good reason, consistent lateness, or leaving a job assignment prior to completion of responsibilities may result in disciplinary action.

Professional Development

  • Be active in your own self and professional development

  • Maintain any requirements for your position (i.e., drivers license) 

  • Maintain and improve your knowledge and skills, including those required for any form of technology

  • Know and work within the limits of your own practice, and see guidance where necessary

  • Training required by KPT must be completed as set out in the staff training plan. If the training is not completed due to an unreasonable explanation from the employee, the employee may be required to pay back any cost related to this training.

5.3  Be reliable, dependable, and trustworthy 

  • Honour work commitments, agreements, and arrangements and when it is not possible to do so, explain to management why this is not possible. 

  • Carry out your allocated duties and those directly or reasonably expected of contributors diligently and to the best of your ability.

  • Comply with all proper or lawful instructions given by management or any other person acting on behalf of KPT must be responded to appropriately.

  • Carry out your duties in compliance with the policies, procedures, and prescribed operating standards of KPT


We act with integrity and ensure that our systems and processes are current and developed according to best practices and the latest legislative requirements. We make ourselves aware of them and effectively execute them at all times. 

6.1  Act honestly and ethically in all personal and professional behaviour

  • Do not solicit or accept gifts (money, services, or merchandise) in connection with KPT activities or which may place you under any obligation or perceived influence.

    • Receiving small tokens (e.g., chocolates or flowers) may be acceptable, but cash gifts or items of larger value should never be accepted. If you are unsure, discuss this with management prior to accepting. 

  • Refrain from acting in ways that can be interpreted as or result in personal gain.

  • Always give accurate information and make true declarations

  • Provide factual information about your knowledge, skills, statutory status, training, qualifications, and experience. 

  • Recognise that KPT resources are publicly funded and commit to using any resources in an economic and sustainable manner

  • Never abuse a participant’s trust

  • Never abuse, neglect, harm or exploit participants in any way. 

6.2  Comply with all legal, professional and ethical obligations

  • Be familiar with, and consistently apply the Acts, Regulations, Policies, and Procedures that directly affect your work.

  • Keep clear and accurate records.

  • Make records at the same time of the events being recorded, or as soon as possible afterwards and clearly attribute them to yourself.

  • Do not tamper with original records in any way.

  • Act lawfully

  • Cooperate fully with any formal inquiries or investigations of any kind

  • You must inform management immediately of any criminal charge laid against you in a criminal court and any convictions you receive

    • Every situation will be judged on its own merits but, in general, if you are convicted of an offence and receive a custodial or community-based sentence your employment will be discontinued.

  • Provide accurate, factual information about your knowledge, skills, statutory status, training, qualifications, and experience. 

    • Any contributor found to have obtained employment or promotion on the basis of false or misleading information will face disciplinary action.

6.3  Avoid working in a situation where there is a conflict of interest

  • Discuss potential or actual conflicts of interest (both professional and personal) with management.

  • Receive written approval from management prior to taking on secondary employment.