Neighbourhood Support is a community initiative
that connects neighbours with each other so that
our neighbourhoods are safer, more resilent
and caring places to live.

Kumarani Productions Trust is a Full Member of Neighbourhood Support New Zealand Incorporated and is the Members Organisation for the Kaipara Region. Our aim is to create safe, resilient, and connected communities.

As a member organisation, we help to facilitate connections between neighbours and provide ongoing support and information for neighbourhood groups. We take a community-led approach, which enables households and groups to connect and support one another in a way that works for them.

Follow the link to the right to the Neighbourhood Support website to Learn More, sign up to the Kaipara network via the form on this page, or contact the Neighbourhood Support Kaipara Coordinator at or by phone on (09) 439 5152.

Donate to Support Your Community

Banner image credit: Sue Taylor,